24 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
Conservation Tasks and Reason
Piaget had his own way of assessing brain maturation during this period, using his now-famous "conservation" tasks, try this one out on your tour-to-eight-year-old: fill two identical short, squat glasses with equal volumes of water, and ask your child, "Do the two glasses contain the same amount of water, or does one have more?" Now, pour all the water from one of these 'lasses into a tall, narrow glass, and ask your child the same question.
Four-year-olds almost invariably say that the ta...A four-year-old cannot grasp the concept of conservation of mass, but an eight-year-old has no problem with it.
30 NOV -0001 by ideonexus
The English Alphabet will Become Like Chinese as We Lose ...
i ui iu to knsider is Alfabet, and giv mi Instanses f st Ili Urds and Sunds az iu mee ink kannt perfektli bi eksprest bi it. i am persueeded it mee bi kmplited bi iur help. i greeter difiklti uil bi to bri it into ius. Huevr, if Amendments eer nevr atemted, and is kntinu to gro urs and urs, ee mst km to bi in a reted Kndin at last; st indiid i ink ur Alfabet and Riti lredi in; bt if ui go n az ui hev dn e fiu Senturiz lnger, ur urds uil graduali siis to ekspres Sunds, ee uil onli stand fr is,...Folksonomies: phonetics
Folksonomies: phonetics
If we fail to reform our spelling to maintain its phonetic value, words will become purely symbolic, like Chinese characters, no longer representing sounds and only communicating their semantic content.